VBA Loop to Extract a Summary of Last 30 Days of Emails: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Lonee - hkhazo.biz.id

VBA Loop to Extract a Summary of Last 30 Days of Emails: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually sifting through your inbox to get a summary of your last 30 days of emails? Do you want to automate the process and save hours of your precious time? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to create a VBA loop to extract a summary of your last 30 days of emails using Microsoft Outlook.

What You’ll Need

To follow along with this tutorial, you’ll need the following:

  • Microsoft Outlook 2013 or later
  • VBA Editor (comes pre-installed with Microsoft Office)

Understanding the Problem

Let’s say you’re a busy professional who receives hundreds of emails every day. You need to stay on top of your email game, but manually going through your inbox to get a summary of your last 30 days of emails is a daunting task. You need a solution that can automate this process, providing you with a concise and actionable summary of your emails.

The Power of VBA

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a powerful programming language built into Microsoft Office. With VBA, you can automate tasks, create custom interfaces, and even interact with external applications. In this case, we’ll use VBA to create a loop that extracts a summary of your last 30 days of emails.

Creating the VBA Loop

Open the VBA Editor by pressing Alt + F11 or by navigating to Developer > Visual Basic in the Outlook ribbon.

Sub ExtractEmailSummary()
    ' Declare variables
    Dim olFolder As MAPIFolder
    Dim olItems As Items
    Dim olItem As Object
    Dim last30Days As Date
    Dim summary As String
    ' Set the folder to search (e.g., Inbox)
    Set olFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6)
    ' Set the date range (last 30 days)
    last30Days = Date - 30
    ' Initialize the summary
    summary = ""
    ' Loop through each email in the folder
    For Each olItem In olFolder.Items
        ' Check if the email is within the last 30 days
        If olItem.ReceivedTime >= last30Days Then
            ' Extract the sender, subject, and received time
            summary = summary & "From: " & olItem.Sender & " | Subject: " & olItem.Subject & " | Received: " & olItem.ReceivedTime & vbCrLf
        End If
    Next olItem
    ' Display the summary
    MsgBox summary
End Sub

Breaking Down the Code

Let’s go through the code step by step:

  1. Dim olFolder As MAPIFolder: We declare a variable olFolder to hold the folder we want to search (e.g., Inbox).
  2. Dim olItems As Items: We declare a variable olItems to hold the collection of email items in the folder.
  3. Dim olItem As Object: We declare a variable olItem to hold each individual email item.
  4. Dim last30Days As Date: We declare a variable last30Days to hold the date range (last 30 days).
  5. Dim summary As String: We declare a variable summary to hold the summary of the emails.
  6. Set olFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6): We set the folder to search (e.g., Inbox) using the GetDefaultFolder method.
  7. last30Days = Date - 30: We set the date range to the last 30 days using the Date function.
  8. For Each olItem In olFolder.Items: We loop through each email item in the folder using a For Each loop.
  9. If olItem.ReceivedTime >= last30Days Then: We check if the email is within the last 30 days using the ReceivedTime property.
  10. summary = summary & "From: " & olItem.Sender & " | Subject: " & olItem.Subject & " | Received: " & olItem.ReceivedTime & vbCrLf: We extract the sender, subject, and received time from the email and append it to the summary.
  11. Next olItem: We move on to the next email item in the loop.
  12. MsgBox summary: We display the summary using a MsgBox.

Customizing the Summary

The summary generated by the code above is a simple text-based summary. You can customize it to fit your needs by modifying the code. Here are some ideas:

  • Add more fields: Extract additional fields like the email body, attachments, or categories.
  • Format the summary: Use HTML or RTF to format the summary with tables, bold text, or images.
  • Save to a file: Instead of displaying the summary in a MsgBox, save it to a file using the WriteText method.
  • Send as an email: Send the summary as an email to yourself or others using the MailItem object.


Here are some common issues you might encounter when running the code:

Error Solution
Error 91: Object variable not set Make sure the folder is set correctly using the GetDefaultFolder method.
Error 13: Type mismatch Check that the variables are declared correctly and that the data types match.
Verify that the folder is correct and that the emails are within the last 30 days.


With this VBA loop, you can extract a summary of your last 30 days of emails in Outlook. By customizing the code, you can create a summary that fits your needs. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that arise and to test the code thoroughly before running it on a large dataset.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about using VBA to extract a summary of the last 30 days of emails? We’ve got answers!

How do I create a VBA loop to extract emails from the last 30 days?

You can use the following VBA code: `For Each olMail In olFolder.Items: If olMail.ReceivedTime > Date – 30 Then … Next olMail`. This code loops through each email in the specified folder and checks if the received time is within the last 30 days. If it is, you can extract the summary information you need!

What is the best way to filter emails by date range in VBA?

You can use the `Restrict` method to filter emails by date range. For example: `Set olFolder.Items = olFolder.Items.Restrict(“[ReceivedTime] > ‘” & Format(Date – 30, “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”) & “‘”)`. This code restricts the item list to only include emails received within the last 30 days.

How do I get the summary information of each email in VBA?

You can use the `olMail` object to access the summary information of each email. For example, you can use `olMail.Subject` to get the subject, `olMail.SenderName` to get the sender’s name, and `olMail.Body` to get the email body. You can also use other properties like `olMail.ReceivedTime`, `olMail.CreationTime`, and more!

Can I use VBA to extract emails from multiple folders?

Yes, you can! You can use a loop to iterate through multiple folders and extract emails from each one. For example: `For Each olFolder In olNamespace.Folders: … Next olFolder`. This code loops through each folder in the namespace and allows you to extract emails from each folder.

How do I error-proof my VBA code to handle missing or corrupted emails?

You can use error-handling techniques like `On Error Resume Next` and `On Error GoTo 0` to skip over missing or corrupted emails. You can also use `If` statements to check if the email object is valid before trying to extract summary information. For example: `If Not olMail Is Nothing Then …`. This code checks if the `olMail` object is not nothing before trying to access its properties.

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